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Tax Collection 2023 payable 2024

You should have received or will receive this week your 2023 real estate/personal property tax bill (s) payable 2024.   If you mail your tax payment and would like a receipt, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.  A December 31st postmark will be receipted as a 2023 payment.  If you prefer to pay in person, bring your tax bill so that we can stamp it paid.  You are able to log on to each county’s website and get tax info/receipts throughout the year.  The websites are: 


Dane:  [email protected];  then search for name, address or parcel number.  This is very helpful for those that need copies during income tax filing time. 

Our office hours are 7 a.m. noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday, with the exception of December 25 and January 1.   We will not be open any Saturdays for tax collection.  Tax payments are due in our office by 5:00 p.m. January 31 .  Tax payments received in our office after that have to be turned over to the county.  Tax payments postmarked on or before January 31 will be marked as received on time.  The Village will not receive their portion of funds received after January 31 from the county until August.  Timely payment received in the Clerk’s Office helps the Village’s cash flow. 

The Village’s mill rate is $8.52 (decrease of 6 cents) in Green County and $8.52 (decrease of 4 cents) in Dane County. The net combined rate for Green County is $26.88/$1000 (decrease of 37 cents) and Dane County is $25.32/$1000 (increase of 28 cents) of assessed value.  The First Dollar credit for this year is $85.14 and lottery credit is $316.91.


  1. You must own your home in Wisconsin


  1. You must have occupied that home as your primary residence on January 1, 2022.:  A) A primary residence is the home in which a property owner lives for more than six (6) months of the year. B) If temporarily away, a primary residence is the home to which the owner returns.  If you feel that you qualify for the credit, and there is not a Lottery Credit on your tax bill, contact our office for a claim form    before January 30th.  You may also print a form from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website at:

It is your responsibility to notify the County Treasurer within 30 days if the property no longer qualifies for the Lottery Credit.

 DOG & CAT LICENSES   (Paid by separate check from taxes)

 All dogs and cats five months and older, kept within the Village, must be licensed each year by January 31st.  License fees for 2024 are as follows:

DANE:  $22 for unaltered dog                       GREEN:  $17 for unaltered dog

             $17 for spayed/neutered dog                        $12 for spayed/neutered dog

              $5 for cats                                                      $5 for cats

You will need to bring proof of current rabies vaccination. Village Ordinance Chapter 6-5 states it is unlawful for any person to keep or harbor more than 3 dogs or 3 cats over ten weeks of age within the Village.  “Person” is defined to include collectively all persons residing within a residence. 

 NOTE: Tax payments need to be separate from other payments to the Village, i.e., dog and cat licenses, utility paymentsAlso if you have property located in both counties, separate checks are required.

 Pay your tax bill or utility bill online with your credit card, using the Payment Tab on the Home page of the website, then click on Official Payments or GovPayNet.  There is a fee from both companies for this service.   

Check out the Village website at underneath the Budget page for the 2024 budget, or stop in the clerk’s office to view a copy. 

Call us at 455-4201, ext 1 or 2, if you have questions. 

It is a pleasure to serve the residents of this community.

             HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE