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Village of Brooklyn Contacts

Utility Providers in the Village of Brooklyn

Water and Sewer
Village of Brooklyn - 608-455-4201

Gas and Electric
Aliant Energy 1-800-862-6222

Frontier 1-800-921-8101 (residential) or 1-800-921-8102 (business) 1-800-921-8104 (repairs)
Charter/Spectrum 1-800-581-0081

Frontier 1-800-921-8101 (residential) or 1-800-921-8102 (business) 1-800-921-8104 (repairs)
Charter/Spectrum 1-800-581-0081
LiteWire 1-608-882-4728 or 1-888-825-2005

Charter/Spectrum 1-800-581-0081


Pet License Information

Building and Zoning Permit Information 

Election/Voting Information 

Emergency Management

- Family Emergency Plan


Public Works

- Clean Tap Clean Water
- Detect and Chase Down Leaks in your Home
- Drip Calculator
- Fight Leaks and Water Waste in your Facility 
- Grease in Kitchen
- Flush Responsibly
- What to Flush and What Not To Flush
- Leaks can Run but they can't Hide
- Residential Water User Cross-Connection Hazards

Seasonal Information

- Summer Lawn Meter Information  (meters rented on a first-come-first-served basis until they are gone)
A summer lawn meter or temporary meter are used for items such as filling pools/hot tubs, watering your lawn, or your garden(s).
Contact the Clerk's Office to pick up a meter 608-455-4201 ext. 1 or 2
Sec._32_87.___Winter_parking Ordinance


Water/Sewer Account Information

- Utility Direct Debit Authorization Form
- Deferred Payment Arrangement Policy
- Sewer Use Adjustment Policy
- Water Sewer Disconnection Policy
- Insufficient Funds Policy

Village Board Meetings  - 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month

Village Consultants

Accurate Assessor 1-920-749-8098
Building Inspector - General Engineering - David Geraths 1-608-697-7776 Cell or 608-745-4070 Office
Zoning Administrator - Rob Roth 1-608-697-5857


Village Newsletters

Village newsletters are mailed or emailed after the 2nd Monday of each month. If you would like to receive the newsletter by email or mail, you can email us at [email protected] or call us at 608-455-4201 ext. 1 or 2.