Tips to Staying Safe and Warm During Ice/Snowy Weather


Ice and snow from winter storms can bring down trees and power lines, causing power outages and creating electrical dangers. Safe Electricity wants everyone to know how to stay safe and warm after winter storms.

If you must venture outside, be alert to the possibility of electrical hazards:

  • Stay away from downed power lines and warn others to stay away. Be alert to the possibility that tree limbs or debris may hide an electrical hazard. Treat all power lines as live and dangerous. Treat everything near power lines as dangerous.

It can be difficult to stay warm without power. If you live with young children or the elderly, consider temporarily staying somewhere with power. If you are at a home with power, there are ways to stay warm:

  • Stay inside and dress in warm, layered clothing.
  • Close off unneeded rooms.
  • When using an alternative heat source, follow operating instructions, use fire safeguards and be sure to properly ventilate.
  • Stuff towels and rags underneath doors to keep the heat in.
  • Cover windows at night.

Only use a generator if you know how to operate it without hurting yourself, or electric utility employees.

After an outage, power can return in spikes. Keep your electronics safe by unplugging them. Leave one light on to indicate that power has been restored then turn on other appliances and equipment one at a time.